Meet Leanne: Rediscovering Myself and the Great Outdoors with Women’s Fitness Adventures

Leanne Leske Member Story.

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Renewal

After years of raising my children, being involved in the community, going through a divorce, owning businesses, and then leaving my community for a new relationship, I found that, 10 years later, I had lost my own identity and self-worth. 

My partner was achieving his goals with his farm and through personal involvement on various boards, and I felt it was time to start doing something for my own health and well-being.


How Women’s Fitness Adventures Became My Gateway to Adventure

I discovered Women’s Fitness Adventures through social media and instantly became a member. The whole concept of connecting with like-minded women over 50 who were interested in hiking, and having a safe and friendly platform for education, was incredibly appealing to me.

I had a dream to walk the Camino de Santiago before turning 60, and Women’s Fitness Adventures helped me become fit in both mind and body to achieve this. However, COVID had other plans; it delayed our walk just three weeks before my friend and I were set to leave, postponing it until 2023.

In the meantime, in May 2022, Lisa and I hiked the Overland Track in Tasmania and survived! I also hiked the Jatbula Trail in the Northern Territory in September 2022, which was my first hike with Women’s Fitness Adventures since joining. Both hikes were challenging for me, but the sense of achievement and satisfaction upon completing them was pure joy!

Meeting our leader Tricia and other members of Women’s Fitness Adventures for the first time in Darwin was exciting, with many laughs, songs, and tears along the way.

The Importance of Showing Up and Staying Connected

Sometimes we hear that people are “too busy” to make time for fitness. I attend a gym, practice yoga and meditation, walk daily, and access Women’s Fitness Adventures’ online fitness videos, making time for myself. As we age, I believe our quality of life will be much happier if we are fit and well enough to enjoy life’s experiences and meet our goals. Connecting with like-minded women through Women’s Fitness Adventures has also made life less lonely.

The advice I would give to new members joining Women’s Fitness Adventures is to SHOW UP! Just show up every day, and the world will open up to new experiences. On each of my hikes, there were times when things became really difficult, but by showing up each day, we at least give it a go!

I have recommended Women’s Fitness Adventures to many people, whether they are into fitness or not, as it’s so important to connect with others, have a sense of belonging, and be accountable for your goal-setting. Functional Fitness with Yvonne and Cardio with Tricia help me achieve all of these things.

A New Chapter of Adventure and Connection

Without Women’s Fitness Adventures, I am certain I would not have been so well-prepared and educated on all things hiking. It has opened up a whole new world for me, showing me that I am capable of anything I set my mind to, and meeting all the ladies looking for the same adventures in life has been amazing!

You too, can achieve amazing results and be a part of Women’s Fitness Adventures!

Join our community of motivated women who are transforming their lives through fitness. Experience the support, encouragement, and camaraderie that will fuel your journey to greatness. Visit to learn more and become a member today!

Have you been inspired to take a multi-day adventure yourself?

Our 2024 Domestic and International Adventures are open for bookings and places are FILLING FAST! We are offering adventures for all fitness levels. Learn more about our adventures and secure your place.

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Yvonne Shepherd, CEO of Women's Fitness Adventures

Yvonne Shepherd is the Founder & CEO of Women’s Fitness Adventures.

Established in 2014, Women’s Fitness Adventures encourages women to become stronger for life through fitness, adventure and social connection. We do this through our online fitness & hike training programs, thriving online community and our in person multi day adventures in Australia and around the world.

Women everywhere are enjoying the support, friendship and inspiration found inside the Women’s Fitness Adventures community as they connect in real time through our online active adventures that can be done in your location, regardless of where you live.  Your area is our area because we cover every corner of Australia and would love you to join us.

Whether you are ready to go on a hiking adventure right now or it is in the planning, our Hike Training Courses, Masterclasses, Adventure Ready resources and Hike Fitness Programs will equip you with the skills and knowledge to guarantee you success and have the best time ever.


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