Stepping into Multi-Day Hiking: Belinda’s journey

Image and quote of woman who is hiking
Belinda, now semi-retired, found her calling in hiking with Women’s Fitness Adventures, a path that led her to conquer mountains and explore new horizons. Her concerns about becoming too still in retirement were quickly replaced with a newfound passion for the outdoors.

The beginning: Finding her footing

“One day, I realised that life was too short to stay on the sidelines,” Belinda recalls. “Friends’ health issues and early deaths were a wake-up call. I wasn’t into team sports, but hiking seemed like something I could do.”

Starting with introductory hiking sessions, Belinda quickly found her footing. “I was drawn to Women’s Fitness Adventures. The all-inclusive nature of the trips, from training plans to meals, was appealing. And the sense of achievement after each hike was indescribable.”

two female hikers on a green hiking trail

Hitting the trails in Australia and Abroad

Her adventures have taken her to places like Carnarvon, Germany, Tasmania, and she has plans for Crete and Corsica. “I’ve discovered places in my own backyard that I never visited before. And the multi-day hikes? Oh, what a feeling to achieve something I had only dreamed of!”

Belinda’s journey has been filled with learning experiences. “I wasn’t into team sports due to my lack of coordination. But hiking was different. It was something I could do at my own pace, and the community was so supportive.”

Her transformation from a non-sports background to hiking multi-day adventures is a testament to her determination and resilience. “I look back at the times when I was hesitant, and now I’m hiking multi-day adventures. It’s incredible how far I’ve come.”

Women on a boat

Community and Connection

Belinda’s presence in the community has been warmly received by the CREW leaders. They describe her as someone who is quiet yet adventurous, always stepping up and putting her best foot forward. “Her positive attitude, willingness to help, and bubbly personality make her a joy to have on any adventure.”

Her intelligence and adventurous nature have made her a favourite on adventures. “She gives permission for quiet people to take part, fostering a more inclusive environment,” the leaders add. “She’s always great to have on an adventure, and we look forward to connecting with her on future trips.”

Belinda’s story is an inspiring example of how one can take control of their health and well-being and find joy in exploring new horizons. “I’ve found friends to walk with, engaged with the community, and embraced the camaraderie and support from other members,” she reflects. “My life has truly changed, and I’m grateful for every step of this amazing journey.”

Her unique edge and adventurous spirit make her a valuable addition to any adventure, and her fellow adventurers look forward to connecting with her on future trips. Her story resonates with many, proving that it’s never too late to take the first step towards a healthier, happier life.

“I never thought I’d be the one conquering mountains and hiking multi-day trails,” Belinda says with a genuine smile. “But here I am, loving every moment of it. With Women’s Fitness Adventures, I’ve found more than just a hobby; I’ve found a community, a purpose, and a joy that keeps me moving forward.

Hiking on the Trail

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Yvonne Shepherd, CEO of Women's Fitness Adventures

Yvonne Shepherd is the Founder & CEO of Women’s Fitness Adventures.

Established in 2014, Women’s Fitness Adventures encourages women to become stronger for life through fitness, adventure and social connection. We do this through our online fitness & hike training programs, thriving online community and our in person multi day adventures in Australia and around the world.

Women everywhere are enjoying the support, friendship and inspiration found inside the Women’s Fitness Adventures community as they connect in real time through our online active adventures that can be done in your location, regardless of where you live.  Your area is our area because we cover every corner of Australia and would love you to join us.

Whether you are ready to go on a hiking adventure right now or it is in the planning, our Hike Training Courses, Masterclasses, Adventure Ready resources and Hike Fitness Programs will equip you with the skills and knowledge to guarantee you success and have the best time ever.


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