Measuring Success

Women's Fitness Adventures

Measuring Success – The I’s have it!

In our world today, somehow success has been defined as being about money or winning or competing.

Success is more than that. It’s a journey.

I think that when you measure success, the I’s have it.

That is

  • Involvement
  • Improvement
  • Impact

To be successful at ANYTHING you have to be involved in that thing. Take a writing course for example, you enrol, but unless you get involved and start writing,nothing happens and you won’t become a writer.

Same with say a gym membership. Unless you participate nothing changes. Then the end of the membership comes and you blame gym because nothing changed.

Being involved and staying involved is the hardest part. You may feel uncomfortable, challenged, perhaps a little nervous as it’s all new. That’s normal. Messy at the start.

Once your involved and regularly committed, it gets easier and life starts to change – for the better. We notice improvements– small, cumulative and sometimes immeasurable.

But others can see- where you were and where you are now. This is a time to momentarily pause, look back and recognise that the initial involvement has led to improvement. It’s no longer messy.

Finally impact. You’re the shining light, regardless of whether you see it or not. Your actions have such an impact on those around you- the ripple effect. Simply by your very actions.

So don’t measure your success against others. Measure against yourself through your involvement, your improvement and your impact.

Yvonne Shepherd is the Founder and CEO of Women’s Fitness Adventures. Since it’s inception in 2014, Women’s Fitness Adventures has boosted both the fitness and social lives of women within their membership and at the same time created a thriving community both online and offline.

For more information email info@womensfitnessadventures or phone 0412 121 420

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Yvonne Shepherd, CEO of Women's Fitness Adventures

Yvonne Shepherd is the Founder & CEO of Women’s Fitness Adventures.

Established in 2014, Women’s Fitness Adventures encourages women to become stronger for life through fitness, adventure and social connection. We do this through our online fitness & hike training programs, thriving online community and our in person multi day adventures in Australia and around the world.

Women everywhere are enjoying the support, friendship and inspiration found inside the Women’s Fitness Adventures community as they connect in real time through our online active adventures that can be done in your location, regardless of where you live.  Your area is our area because we cover every corner of Australia and would love you to join us.

Whether you are ready to go on a hiking adventure right now or it is in the planning, our Hike Training Courses, Masterclasses, Adventure Ready resources and Hike Fitness Programs will equip you with the skills and knowledge to guarantee you success and have the best time ever.


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